Cin7 Omni Integration
Updated over a week ago

Cin7’ has been renamed to ‘Cin7 Omni’

Shippit can integrate to Cin7 Omni in less than 5 minutes! You only need to grant access to relevant order details and then update some settings before you start shipping.

Need assistance in implementing your integration? Connect with your account manager, sales contact, or visit our website to avail professional services today!

You may also review this full detail guide divided into the following sections:

  1. Integration Process

  2. Configuration Options

  3. Frequently Asked Questions

Integration Process

Generate an API Key in Cin7 Omni


The first step to integrate Shippit to Cin7 Omni involves generating an API Key.

  1. Login to your Cin7 Omni account

  2. On the bottom left of your screen, click the gear icon for Settings

  3. Choose Integrations on click API v1

  4. Take note of the API Username and click Add API Connection

  5. Take note of the App Name and click on Save

  6. Take note of the API Key and click on Back to Setup

  7. Locate the newly created Connection and click on Permissions

  8. Tick on the following boxes to grant permission and click on Save


If you have multiple branches in Cin7 Omni that will have orders fulfilled in Shippit, please tick on Branches under Read.

Enter your Cin7 Omni Details to Shippit


The second and last step of integration requires that you enter in Shippit the API details you generated from Cin7 Omni.

  1. Login to your Shippit store

  2. On the top right of your screen, click on the downward arrow

  3. Choose Settings on the extended options

  4. On the sidebar menu on the left, select Integrations

  5. On your right, scroll down and click on Cin7 Omni

  6. Enter your App Name as Store Name

  7. Enter your API Username as Username

  8. Enter your API Key as Password

  9. Click on Update

CHECK your integration by ensuring you now have a Webhook URL. If you do not see the Webhook URL field populated, email us right away at [email protected]


Configuration Options

All your configuration options may be accessed in Shippit by going to Settings > Integrations.

Order Sync


The Order Sync tab allows you to configure how you would like to synchronise your orders from Cin7 Omni to Shippit through the following options:

  • Auto-Sync New Orders - set to No by default; this option ensures orders in the identified import status is automatically pulled across into Shippit from Cin7 Omni

  • Import Status - determines the required order status in Cin7 Omni so that an order can be automatically pulled across into Shippit

  • Default Email - this will be used for orders that do not contain a customer’s email address

Shipping Method Mapping


The Shipping Method Mapping function allows you to match your Cin7 Omni shipping methods to a specific service or service class in Shippit.


If you offer Free Shipping, you can minimise your shipping cost by identifying the specific service or service class that you would like the order to be transacted through.

Lastly, there is an option to map to Click & Collect. This allows you to generate a label for an order and as soon as the label is downloaded, the order is moved from the New Orders tab to the Track tab.

Manually Import Orders


You can manually import orders to Shippit through our integration middleware, Shippit Connect.

Once logged into Shippit, go to Settings > Integrations and click Launch Connect. Here you can:

  • Manually import in bulk the orders awaiting fulfillment by going to Orders > Click Import Orders

  • Manually import orders in bulk by going to Orders> Click the downward arrow next to Import Orders > Choose By Created Date and select the date and time from when you would like to import orders

  • Manually import orders in bulk by going to Orders> Click the downward arrow next to Import Orders > Choose By Order Stage and select the order stage of the orders that you would like to import

  • Manually import an individual order by going to Orders> Click the downward arrow next to Import Orders > Choose By Order Number and enter the Cin7 Omni order reference number

Once you click Import Order, will see a green Processing bar appear at the top of the page informing you of how many orders are being processed for import.

Alternately, you can also use this middleware to:

  • Update integration settings

  • View order sync history - see which orders were successfully sent to Shippit including any that failed

  • View fulfillment sync history - see which shipment status were successfully sent to Shippit including any that failed

Shipment Sync


The Shipment Sync tab allows you to configure how you would like to synchronise your orders' shipment status from Shippit to Cin7 Omni. With this setting enabled, Shippit will update Cin7 Omni with all tracking information of the order.




If you have more than 1 company branch set-up in Cin7 Omni, the Locations tab allows you to identify which branches' orders and fulfilments will be synced to the Shippit store you are currently logged in to.

  • Shippit Store - this is the Shippit store you are currently logged in to

  • Cin7 Omni Branches - choose All Branches or select the branches you want to sync orders to the identified Shippit store above

TEST your configuration by creating a dummy order in Cin7 Omni based on the different order sync criteria you have defined. If you encounter any challenges, email us right away at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have my Shopify account connected to Cin7 Omni. Which one should I connect my Shippit to?

Ultimately it depends on which platform you use as your source of truth for your ecommerce business if you are using a multi-integration setup. If you consider that to be Cin7 Omni, you will want to connect Shippit to Cin7 Omni so you can manage inventory, tracking, and order fulfillment in one platform.

  • I have my Shopify account connected to Cin7 Omni which is connected to Shippit. Will this set-up update my orders on Shopify?

There is a third party app called Shopify Shippit-Shopify which you can download from the Cin7 Omni App Store that will allow you sync the two together.


This includes:

  1. Downloading orders from Shopify to Cin7 Omni

  2. Updating stock levels and automatic quantity addition/deduction in Shopify

  3. Order fulfillment which is done manually on the Cin7 Omni interface

  • Why can’t I connect even though I have already put in my API Username and API key?

Ensure API Connection Permissions have been set before integrating Shippit with Cin7 Omni and check that there are no spaces or other invalid characters in your API key when copying and pasting across to Shippit.

  • I am automatically importing orders but some appear to be missing. What do I do?

If this happens, click Import Orders in Connect to import any outstanding orders that should’ve been pulled across.

  • Does Shippit support partial fulfillment for Cin7 Omni?


  • When Shippit updates my order in Cin7 Omni, what does it update it with?

The following fields are updated in Cin7 Omni:

  1. Despatch Timestamp

  2. Tracking Code

  3. Internal Comments

  4. Carrier Fields.

  • Does Shippit support multi-order routing based off branches?


  • Can I live quote on international orders within the Shopping Cart?


  • If I delete or make an amendment to an order in Shippit, will it delete/update in Cin7 Omni?


  • To map my shipping methods, what field in Cin7 Omni should I be mapping?

You should map to the Freight field on your Cin7 Omni Sales Order page.


Cin7 Omni Tip

When configuring Shipping Method Mappings, we recommend an exact string match. However, you can use the * wildcard symbol. A good example is: when you enter Shippit*, the mapping will include every Cin7 Omni shipping method that begins with Shippit.

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