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Cin7 Omni Integration

Integrate your Shippit instance with the Cin7 Omni e-commerce platform. Set up, configure, and sync orders between Cin7 Omni and Shippit.

Updated over 4 months ago

Shippit works seamlessly with Cin7 Omni to synchronise orders. This article explains how to set up your Cin7 Omni integration, configure it for your unique workflow, and get the most out of Cin7 Omni and Shippit.

💡NOTE: Cin7 Omni is the same product that used to be called Cin7.

Set up your Cin7 Omni integration

To get started with Cin7 Omni, you need to generate an API key in Cin7 Omni, then log in to your Shippit account, and set up the integration.

Generating an API key in Cin7 Omni

  1. Log in to your Cin7 Omni account, and navigate to SettingsIntegrations → API v1.

  2. Take a note of the API Username, and click Add API Connection.

  3. Take a note of the App Name, and click Save

  4. Take a note of the API Key, and click Back to Setup.

  5. In the new connection, click Permissions.

  6. Check these boxes to grant the appropriate permissions:

    • In Contacts, check Read

    • If you are using multiple branches, in Branches, check Read

    • In Products, check Read

    • In Product Options, check Read

    • In Stock, check Read

    • In Serial Numbers, check Read

    • In Sales Orders, check Create, Read, and Update

    • In Payments, check Read

    • In Purchase Orders, check Read

    • In Quotes, check Read

    • In Users, check Read

  7. Click Save to save the changes

The API key permissions section in Cin7 Omni, showing the appropriate permissions required for Shippit

Setting up your Cin7 Omni integration in Shippit

  1. Log in to your Shippit store.

  2. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  3. Click Integrations to go the integrations settings.

  4. In the Select an Integration section, click Cin7 Omni.

  5. Use the details you noted from your Cin7 Omni API settings to complete these fields:

    • In the Your Store Name field, type the App Name

    • In the Username field, type the API Username

    • In the Password field, type the API Key

  6. Click Continue to complete your integration.

You can check that your integration has been set up successfully, by making sure that the Webhook URL field in your Shippit integration settings is populated.

Configure your Cin7 Omni integration

When you have your Cin7 Omni integration set up, you can configure it to suit your requirements. For most settings, you can make the changes in Shippit.

Updating settings in Shippit

  1. Log in to your Shippit account.

  2. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  3. Click Integrations to go the integrations settings.

  4. Click Administer Cin7 Omni Integration and provide your login details to open the Cin7 Omni integration settings page.

Synchronise orders

You can configure how you want Cin7 Omni orders to synchronise with your Shippit account.

Changing order synchronisation options

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings.

  2. Adjust the synchronisation settings according to your environment.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

The available options are:




Auto-Sync New Orders


When enabled, all new orders in Cin7 Omni are automatically synchronised to Shippit.

Import Status

Release to pick

When an order is changed to this status within Cin7 Omni, it is synchronised to Shippit. Choose one of the available WMS options if you use the Cin7 Omni WMS.

Default Email

This email is used for any orders that do not have a customer email address associated with them.

Shipment synchronisation to Cin7 Omni

When Shippit updates an order, it also sends information back to Cin7 Omni. The fields that are updated in Cin7 Omni are:

  • Despatch Timestamp

  • Tracking Code

  • Internal Comments

  • Carrier Fields.

Navigate to the the Shipment Sync tab to configure how you would like to synchronise your orders' shipment status from Shippit to Cin7 Omni. Turn this setting on to allow Shippit to update Cin7 Omni with the tracking information for each order.

Configure Cin7 Omni WMS support

If you use the Cin7 Omni warehouse management system (WMS), you can use WMS specific import settings to choose when your orders are synchronised with Shippit. In the Import Status field, choose Release to Pick - WMS to synchronise orders to Shippit when they are marked as ready to pick, or Release to Pack - WMS to synchronise orders to Shippit when they are marked as ready to pack.

Manually import orders

Whether or not you enable automatic synchronisation from Cin7 Omni to Shippit, you can also manually import orders if you need to. You can do this using Shippit Connect.

You can see imported orders in your Shippit account in the New Orders screen.

Manually importing all orders awaiting fulfilment

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings, and click Launch Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Orders tab, and click Import orders.

  3. Click Import to import all orders that are awaiting fulfilment.

Manually importing an individual order

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings, and click Launch Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Orders tab, open the Import orders dropdown menu, and click Choose by Order Number.

  3. Type the Cin7 Omni order number.

  4. Click Import to import the order.

Manually importing bulk orders

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings, and click Launch Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Orders tab, open the Import orders dropdown menu, and click Choose by Created Date to import orders by date, or Choose by Order Stage to select all orders in a particular stage.

  3. Choose the search criteria, either a date range, or the order stage.

  4. Click Import to import the orders. A progress bar shows you how many orders are being imported.

Shipping options

You can configure shipping options in Shippit so that they more accurately match your Cin7 Omni settings. These settings allow you to select which Cin7 Omni shipping method matches a specific service or class in Shippit. This is especially useful if you are using your own custom shipping options.

If you offer free shipping, you can manage your shipping costs by identifying the specific service or service class that you would like the order to be transacted through.

Changing shipping options

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings, and scroll down to the Shipping method mapping section.

  2. Click Add mapping to add another shipping method mapping.

  3. Type the Cin7 shipping method in the left column, and select the matching Shippit service type. You can find the Cin7 shipping methods in the Cin7 Omni Sales Order Page, in the Freight field. It is best to type the shipping method exactly, but you can also use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard symbol if you need to. For example, you can type Shippit* to match all shipping methods that start with Shippit.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

💡NOTE: If you select the Click & Collect Shippit service type, a label is generated for the order. As soon as you download the label, the order is moved from the New Orders page to the Track page.

Manage multiple Cin7 Omni locations

If you have more than one company branch in Cin7 Omni, you can choose which branches orders and fulfilments to synchronise to Shippit.

Managing multiple Cin7 Omni locations

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Locations tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings.

  2. In the Shippit Store field, select the Shippit account that you want to synchronise your orders to. By default, this is the Shippit account that you are currently logged in with. If you want to choose a different Shippit account, click Connect Shippit Account and follow the prompts to connect your account.

  3. In the Cin7 Branches field, select All branches, or select each of the Cin7 Omni branches that you want to synchronise to your Shippit account.

Update the Cin7 Omni invoice date with the date orders are booked

By default, Shippit does not change the invoice date in Cin7 Omni. However, you can configure Shippit to send the date that orders were booked back to Cin7 Omni to use as the invoice date. With this setting turned on, when you book an order in Shippit, it sets the Cin7 DispatchedDate to match the InvoiceDate.

Updating the Cin7 Omni invoice date with the date orders are booked in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Shipment Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings.

  2. In the Set invoice Date field, select Yes - Set the Sales Order invoice Date.

  3. Click Update to save your changes

Connect Shopify and Cin7 Omni to Shippit

If you use Shopify in conjunction with Cin7 Omni, you can make sure that they communicate accurately with Shippit.

If you want Cin7 to be the main platform that you use for inventory, tracking, and order fulfilment, make sure you connect Cin7 to Shippit.

Alternatively, if you want Shopify to be the main platform that you use, connect Shopify to Shippit instead. For more information about connecting Shopify to Shippit, see the Shopify integration article.

If you have your Cin7 Omni account connected to Shippit, and you order tracking information to flow back to Shopify, you can use a third-party application called Shopify-Shippit-Shopify, which is available from the Cin7 Omni app store. You can use this app to download orders from Shopify to Cin7 Omni, update stock levels and automatic quantity changes in Shopify, and manual order fulfilment in the Cin7 Omni interface.

Use native carrier tracking IDs

By default, Shippit passes the Shippit order tracking number back to Cin7 Omni for tracking purposes. You can change this behaviour to use the carrier's native tracking ID instead of the Shippit ID. This is especially useful if you sell on a marketplace such as Amazon, which requires carrier tracking IDs to maintain listing validation.

You can switch to using the carrier tracking IDs by logging in to your Cin7 account, navigating to Integration settingsTracking number, and selecting Carrier tracking number.


This section contains information about some common issues you might encounter with your Cin7 Omni integration. If you can't find an answer to your question here, contact [email protected] for assistance.

Connection fails, even with the correct API username and key

First of all, check that you have copied the API key correctly. If the API key is correct, you might have missed some API permissions. Check the API permissions in Cin7 Omni, and try again.

Some orders are missing from an automatic import

If this happens, navigate to the Order Sync tab in the Cin7 Omni integration settings, and click Launch Connect. Navigate to the Orders tab, and click Import orders to synchronise any outstanding orders.

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