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Shopify integration

Integrate your Shippit instance with the Shopify e-commerce platform. Set up, configure, and sync orders between Shopify and Shippit.

Updated over 3 months ago

Shippit works seamlessly with Shopify to synchronise orders. This article explains how to set up your Shopify integration, configure it for your unique workflow, and get the most out of Shopify and Shippit.

Set up your Shopify integration

To get started with Shopify, you need to log in to your Shippit account, and set up the integration.

Setting up your Shopify integration

  1. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  2. Click Integrations to go the integrations settings.

  3. In the Select an Integration section, click Shopify V2 to launch the Shippit app on the Shopify app store.

  4. Click Add App and log in to your Shopify store.

Configure your Shopify integration

When you have your Shopify integration set up, you can configure it to suit your requirements. For most settings, you need to make changes in both Shippit and Shopify.

Updating settings in Shippit

  1. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  2. Click Integrations to go the integrations settings.

  3. Click Administer Shopify Integration and provide your login details to open the Shopify integration settings page.

Updating settings in Shopify

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.

  2. Navigate to Apps → Shippit.

  3. In Shippit Connect, click Settings.

Configure live quotes

With live quotes enabled, your customers get real-time shipping rates and options during checkout, based on the total order weight and their delivery address.

You can use live quoting for any service type you currently have enabled in your Shippit account, including international shipping.

To make live quoting as accurate as possible, make sure that the dead weight of the product in defined as equal to or greater than the volumetric weight. If you have products where the dead weight is less than the volumetric weight, set the dead weight to be equal to the volumetric weight to avoid problems.

An example of live quoting at checkout:


Enabling live quotes in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Live quotes in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Enable live quotes to turn live quoting on.

  3. Select which order types you want to enable live quoting for. This provides the options for your customers to choose from, and see pricing for.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

⚠️ Important: Before you turn live quoting on for a service type, make sure you have enabled carriers for that service type. You can change which carriers you have enabled in SettingsCarrier settings in your Shippit account.

Enabling live quotes in Shopify

  1. In your Shopify account, navigate to SettingsShipping & Delivery.

  2. In the General shipping rates section, click Manage.

  3. Locate the line item for Shippit (Rates provided by app). If it isn't in your list, use the Add rate button to add it. Click the kebab menu on the line item and select Edit rate.

  4. Choose the service levels to show live quotes for.

  5. Check Automatically show new shipping services to customers when they become available.

  6. Click Done to save your changes.

⚠️ Important: Shopify requires that you are on an advanced plan or higher to enable this feature, or you can purchase the add-on feature called 'calculated rates at checkout'. Get in touch with Shopify if you need to change your plan settings.

Show transit time estimates during checkout

For standard and express orders, you can show your customers the estimated transit time during checkout.

Showing transit time estimates

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Live quotes in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Display transit time to enable transit time estimates on checkout.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Synchronise orders

You can configure how you want Shopify orders to synchronise with your Shippit account.

Changing order synchronisation options

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Order Syncing in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Adjust the synchronisation settings according to your environment.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

The available options are:




Auto sync


When enabled, all new orders in Shopify are automatically synchronised to Shippit.

Auto sync orders event trigger

An order is marked as paid

Select when orders from Shopify should be synchronised to Shippit, either when an order is created, or when the order is marked as paid.

Exclude orders from auto-sync with these product tags

Exclude some product types in Shopify from being automatically synchronised to Shippit.

Allow partial syncing of orders that contain products not excluded by above tags


If an order contains one or more items that are marked as excluded, synchronise the part of the order that is not excluded.

Sync local pickup (click & collect) orders


When enabled, new click & collect orders in Shopify are automatically synchronised to Shippit.

Sync customised fulfilled orders


When enabled, new orders that are allocated to third party fulfilment in Shopify are automatically synchronised to Shippit.

Sync delivery instructions


When enabled, delivery instructions from the customer in Shopify are automatically synchronised to Shippit, and printed on the shipping label. If the delivery instructions do not include an email address, you can specify a default email address to use instead.

Sync history

You can see which orders have been synchronised. In your Shippit account, navigate to Sync history in the Shopify integration settings. You can filter the data on this page using the order reference number, Shippit tracking number, status of the order, date, and service level.

Click individual orders to get more granular information related to that order.

If an order shows Skipped or Failed as its status, you can hover over the order to find more information. If you change information about the order in Shopify, you can re-synchronise the order in Shippit by clicking Sync in the Controls column.

Manually import orders

Whether or not you enable automatic synchronisation from Shopify to Shippit, you can also manually import orders if you need to. You can do this from either your Shopify or your Shippit account.

You can see imported orders in your Shippit account in the New Orders screen.

Manually importing an individual order in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Import orders in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Navigate to the By order number tab and type the Shopify order number.

  3. Click Import to import the order.

Manually importing bulk orders in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Import orders in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Navigate to the By date created tab and select the date you want to import orders for.

  3. Click Import to import the orders. A progress bar shows you how many orders are being imported.

Manually exporting an individual order in Shopify

  1. In your Shopify account, navigate to Orders and click the order you want to export to Shippit.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Send to Shippit.

You can also use this method to resynchronise orders to Shippit if you have changed them after they have been synchronised.

Manually exporting bulk orders in Shopify

  1. In your Shopify account, navigate to Orders and select the orders you want to export to Shippit.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Send to Shippit.

Shipping options

You can configure shipping options in Shippit so that they more accurately match your Shopify settings. These settings allow you to select which Shopify shipping method matches a specific service or class in Shippit. This is especially useful if you are using your own custom shipping options, and do not use live quoting.

If you offer free shipping, you can manage your shipping costs by identifying the specific service or service class that you would like the order to be transacted through.

Changing shipping options

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Shipping options in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. For each Shopify shipping method in the left column, select the matching Shippit service type. If you do not want Shopify orders of a specific type to go through Shippit, select Skip this method.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

💡NOTE: If you select the Click & Collect Shippit service type, a label is generated for the order. As soon as you download the label, the order is moved from the New Orders page to the Track page.

Display DDP quotes in your Shopify checkout

If you are shipping internationally, you can display DDP (delivery duty paid) quotes at checkout for your customers.

💡Note: If you want to use flat rate shipping for international orders, you can use a Shopify app plugin. For more information, check the Shopify app store.

Displaying DDP quotes at checkout in Shopify

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.

  2. Check that you have accurate product details recorded, including the correct HS (harmonised system) codes. This helps you get the most accurate quotes.

  3. In your checkout flow, make mobile phone number a mandatory field. This is required for international carriers.

Displaying DDP quotes at checkout in Shippit

⚠️ Important: Before you turn live quoting on for DDP orders, make sure you have enabled international carriers that support DDP. You can change which carriers you have enabled in SettingsCarrier settings in your Shippit account.

  1. Log in to your Shippit account.

  2. Navigate to Settings International Shipping.

  3. In the Default international customs details section, select a default product category, goods type, and country of manufacture. These are used if details are not included in an order. Having a default for these details can help prevent your orders being held up in customs.

  4. Navigate to SettingsIntegrations. Click Administer Shopify Integration and provide your login details to open the Shopify integration settings page.

  5. In the Live Quotes section, check Display import taxes and duties at checkout for international orders.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

This is an example of Shopify checkout with DDP live quoting enabled:

A screenshot of a Shopify checkout, with a DDP order selected, and the total cost quoted for the order.

Package allocation

When your order arrives into your Shippit account from Shopify, Shippit uses the weight provided by Shopify to determine which packaging to allocate, and to retrieve quotes from a carrier. When the carrier picks up your order, they calculate how much the charged weight is, which is the greater of the dead weight and volumetric weight. In most cases, you need to make sure that you are including the volumetric weight in Shopify, so that Shippit can make an accurate package allocation.

🪧 The formula to calculate volumetric weight in kilograms is:

length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm) / cubic ratio

For example, if a box of pillows with 2kg dead weight has dimensions 70 x 40 x 40cm, and the cubic ratio is 4000, the volumetric weight of the parcel is 28kg. This means the charged weight is 28kg, which is the figure used by Shippit and the carrier for invoicing.

For more information about calculating the charged weight, see the Understanding misdeclarations article.

Set up click and collect

You can offer your customers the ability to pick up their order from your physical location.

Setting up click and collect in Shopify

  1. In your Shopify account, navigate to Shipping and delivery.

  2. In the Local pickup section click the location that you want to enable click and collect for.

  3. In the Local pickup section for the store, check This location offers local pickup.

Setting up click and collect in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Order syncing in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Sync local pickup (click & collect) orders.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Enable scheduled deliveries

You can use scheduled deliveries to allow your customers to select a date and time that they have their order delivered. On demand deliveries are offered by Uber.

Before you begin, make sure you have enabled Uber as a carrier in Shippit. You can use Uber as a Shippit carrier with your own Uber account, or you can take advantage of Shippit's pre-negotiated Uber rates.

⚠️ Important: For this feature, Shopify requires that you are on the Shopify Plus plan, and that you have a partner account and development store. For more information, see the Shopify documentation.

You can also offer scheduled deliveries if you use a warehouse or order management system with your Shopify store. Contact [email protected] if you need help getting set up.

Shopify checkout showing the option for scheduled delivery by Uber

Enabling scheduled deliveries in Shopify

  1. In your Shopify account, navigate to Shipping and delivery.

  2. In the Delivery customisation section, and click Manage.

  3. Check the Shippit scheduled delivery component, and click Activate.

  4. Navigate to Checkout.

  5. In the Information drop-down, select Shipping.

  6. In the Delivery section, select the Shippit scheduled delivery component.

  7. Click Save to save your changes.

Enabling scheduled deliveries in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Live quotes in the Shopify integration settings

  2. Check Enable Live Quotes, and check On-demand orders.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Fulfilment synchronisation

You can configure how you want Shopify orders to synchronise their fulfilment status with your Shippit account.

Changing fulfilment synchronisation options

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Fulfilment in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Adjust the fulfilment settings according to your environment.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

The available options are:




Automatically mark orders as fulfilled


When enabled, orders that are fulfilled in Shippit are automatically marked as fulfilled in Shopify.

Fulfil orders from a single location


If you have multiple stock locations, but ship orders from one physical address, you can select a single fulfilment location for orders. Choose to reduce stock from their original locations, or from the selected location. For more information on single and multi-location modes, see the multiple store locations section.

Tracking number

Choose whether to show your customers the carrier tracking number, or the Shippit tracking number.

Multiple store locations

If you have multiple Shopify store locations, you can fulfil orders from multiple locations, or choose a single location to fulfil orders from. You can map your Shopify stores to your Shippit accounts in different ways, to best reflect the way you process and fulfil orders.

💡NOTE: If you have multiple Shopify locations that you want to ship from, and you want to synchronise them with multiple Shippit accounts, we can help you with that! Contact [email protected] to get set up.

Setting up multiple Shopify locations to one Shippit store

Use this option if you have multiple Shopify locations, but want to fulfil orders from just one specific location, and have that handled in one Shippit store.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Fulfilment in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Clear the check from Fulfil orders from a single location.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Selecting a single Shopify location to ship from

Use this option if you have multiple Shopify locations, but fulfil orders from a single location. This option streamlines your fulfilment process, and prevents orders that contain more than one product from being split up into multiple orders.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Fulfilment in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Fulfil orders from a single location.

  3. If you want stock counts to be reduced from their original locations when they are purchased, select Stock is reduced from its original locations. Otherwise, if you only want stock reduced from one location, select Stock is reduced from selected locations and choose the correct location from the drop-down.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

⚠️ Important: If you choose to have stock reduced from a single location, you might need to transfer inventory or adjust your Shopify settings to keep your stock level counts correct.

Enable B2B orders

If you want to ship orders to other businesses, you can enable the B2B setting in Shopify, and sync those orders to Shippit for fulfilment.

⚠️ Important: Shopify requires that you are on a plus plan or higher to enable this feature. Get in touch with Shopify if you need to change your plan settings.

Previously, if orders did not contain a receiver's first and last name, they would not automatically synchronise to Shippit. If you want this to continue, leave this setting turned off.

Enabling B2B order synchronisation in Shippit

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Order Syncing in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Sync B2B orders.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Print order notes on shipping labels

Shopify allows you to turn on the ability for your customers to enter special order notes at checkout. If you are collecting this information in your Shopify checkout, you can have the order notes flow through to Shippit, so that they can be printed on the shipping labels.

Your customers can use this field to communicate special delivery requests, or request additional services, such as gift wrapping. The notes can help you understand your customers' unique requirements and preferences, helping you provide a smoother delivery process.

Some example shipping labels, including order notes

Printing order notes on shipping labels

Before you begin, you need to enable this service in your Shopify account. For instructions how to do this, see these Shopify instructions.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Order syncing in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Check Sync delivery instructions.

  3. Type a default email address to use, if the order does not contain a customer email address.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Accept COD orders

🌏 This content is for Shippit customers located in Singapore, Malaysia, and elsewhere throughout South-East Asia.

COD services are available for merchants with store addresses in Singapore and Malaysia, for these carriers:

Enabling COD order synchronisation in Shippit

To make sure that COD orders are automatically synchronised to Shippit, you must have auto-synchronisation occur when the order is created. If orders are synchronised only when they are marked as paid, COD orders are not synchronised, because they are not paid until they are delivered.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to the Orders tab in the Shopify integration settings

  2. In the Auto-sync Event field, select When an order is created.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Mapping COD shipping methods

If you want all COD orders to be assigned to a specific carrier, you can map a COD shipping method to your preferred carrier.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: If you want Shippit to automatically allocate to any compatible carrier, you do not need to map a COD shipping method. Shippit only allocates COD orders to carriers that are able to accept COD payments.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Shipping options in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. In the Shopify shipping method in the left column, select Standard COD. In the Shippit service type in the right column, select the appropriate Shippit service type.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

A screenshot of the Shopify method mapping screen, showing Standard COD mapped to Aramex International (COD compatible)

Unlink your Shopify account

If you need to remove the connection between your Shopify and Shippit accounts, you can delete the integration from Shippit. You might need to do this if you want to set up a new Shopify store, or change to a different e-commerce integration.

If you are not sure if you need to do this, contact [email protected] and we can help you out.

Unlinking your Shopify account from Shippit

🚨 WARNING: If you delete your Shopify integration from Shippit, your entire synchronisation history is also deleted, and cannot be recovered.

  1. In your Shippit account, navigate to Account in the Shopify integration settings.

  2. Click Delete integration.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.


This section contains information about some common issues you might encounter with your Shopify integration. If you can't find an answer to your question here, get in touch with us using the chat in your Shippit account, or reach out to Shippit support.

Show estimated time of arrival (ETA) at checkout

There is currently no way of being able to show estimated time of arrival on the checkout page.

Changes in Shippit aren't showing in Shopify

Unfortunately, the Shopify integration ensures information flows from Shopify to Shippit, but not back the other way. If you need to make changes to an order, adjust it in Shopify, then resynchronise the order. In your Shopify account, go to the order and click Send to Shippit to resynchronise the order.

Tracking updates are not coming through

You should receive tracking updates for orders booked through Shippit. If you aren't receiving them, check your Shippit Fulfilment settings in Shopify to make sure that they are enabled. If they are enabled, check your webhook URL in Integration settings in Shippit. If the webhook URL field is empty, you can re-register the webhook by disabling Shippit Fulfilment settings in Shopify, and then re-enabling.

My orders aren't syncing to Shippit

This can happen for a few different reasons. Before you contact [email protected], check that the content and format of the customer and delivery information is correct, and that you have the right carrier services activated in Carrier settings in Shippit.

Orders are tagged as fulfilled before they've been booked

This can happen if your Shopify store is set to automatically fulfil orders. Shippit updates the fulfillment status in Shopify when an order is booked, so you do not need Shopify to update the fulfilment status.

To fix this, in your Shopify account, go to Settings → Checkout → Order Processing → After an order has been paid and select either Automatically fulfil only the gift cards of the order or Do not automatically fulfill any of the order's line items. This allows Shippit to update the fulfillment status instead.

Shippit says that Shopify is already connected with a Shippit account

If your user has access to multiple companies in Shopify, you can sometimes be shown as logged in to a Shippit store because you haven't complete finished a previous browser session. To resolve this problem, try reconnecting using your browser in incognito mode. If the issue persists, contact [email protected] and we can remove the duplicate connection for you.

Orders from The Iconic and eBay are not syncing automatically

Unfortunately, orders from external shopping carts like The Iconic or eBay don't auto-sync with Shippit. This is because the payment trigger occurs outside of Shopify, which means that Shippit is never notified that an order is paid.

To work around the problem, you can synchronise orders based on when they are created instead. In Shippit, go to Auto-Sync Orders in the Shopify integration settings, and change the auto-sync event trigger to An order is created. This means that all orders created in Shopify are sent to Shippit when they are created, which could include orders that are fraudulent, suspect, or pending payment. When orders are synced as soon as they are created, you need to manually verify orders in Shippit before booking a carrier pickup.

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