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Introducing Smart Routing Express
Updated over a week ago

Smart Routing Express is a new express delivery option within Shippit. Smart Routing's advanced allocation algorithm selects the best carrier for each leg of a parcel’s journey for the best end-to-end reliability & cost-effectiveness.

With Smart Routing Express, you get:

Cost-effective & reliable express deliveries - Cost effective & reliable express service & no pickup volume minimums.

Premium recipient tracking experience - Recipients get real time last mile GPS tracking, SMS updates and photo proof of delivery for last-mile metro deliveries.

Dedicated recipient support - Recipients get direct & dedicated support through raising issues via the Smart Routing tracking page. For missed deliveries - recipients can re-arrange redeliveries online.

Smart Routing Express service in detail

Smart Routing Express service summary

You get a cost-effective, reliable express service with Smart Routing Express. Below is an overview of the service.

Key Features

  • Cost effective & reliable express deliveries

  • Premium recipient tracking experience

  • Dedicated recipient support

  • Compare rates & turn on carrier instantly

Serviceability & transit times

  • NSW metro to...

    • NSW metro - up to 1 day

    • VIC metro - up to 2 days

    • BNE metro - up to 2 days

    • NSW regional - up to 4 days

    • VIC regional - up to 4 days

    • CCT - up to 2 days

    • CBR - up to 2 days


  • Rates already loaded in the app - learn more here

Freight profile

  • Maximums

    • Max dead weight (kg) <25kg

    • Max cubic weight <25kg

    • Max length <120cm

  • Accepted goods

    • Food

    • Liquids

    • Alcohol

  • Prohibited goods

    • Unboxed & unpackaged goods

    • Furniture

    • Dangerous goods

    • Sharp goods

    • Live or perishable goods

Smart Routing Express service in detail

Please visit the Smart Routing Express Know Your Carrier page <here> for more details on:

  • Freight profile details - best fit freight & restrictions

  • Pickup and collection details - cancellation timeframes, cutoff times, collection times

  • Delivery support processes - authority to leave, redeliveries, redirections, proof of delivery, return to sender, packaging guidelines

Smart Routing Express premium recipient experience

You get a high-quality customer experience with Smart Routing Express. Expect a premium tracking experience and dedicated recipient support.

Last mile experience

Smart Routing last-mile SMS notifications - A customer will get an SMS notification that an order will arrive today with a GPS tracking link:


Smart Routing GPS tracking page - A customer can track real time GPS tracking updates on how their package will arrive:


Smart Routing photo proof of delivery - The driver will leave a photo proof of delivery after it is successfully delivered


First & middle mile experience

Shippit delivery tracking page - The recipient will get a public tracking page with consistent, easy-to-understand statuses and scan descriptions.

Learn more about the Shippit tracking page here & Shippit standardised tracking status definitions here.


Shippit delivery emails - The recipient will get a concise and timely email as the delivery changes status.

Learn more about the Shippit email notifications and settings here.

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Recipient support experience

Dedicated delivery support via Shippit tracking page - The recipient or the merchant can raise pickup & delivery issues through the “Get delivery help” button on the Shippit tracking page. The Smart Routing team should respond in under 24 hours.

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How to see & compare Smart Routing Express rates

You can compare rates & turn on Smart Routing Express instantly by yourself anytime.

Compare rates for each order

View the Smart Routing Express quote in the carrier drop-down - If Smart Routing Express cost & transit time is cheaper or faster compared to your currently enabled options, Shippit will show a recommendation in the carrier dropdown. In the New Orders page, you can click the "Carrier" section and you should see a "Recommended" section for this.

Clicking the Smart Routing option will direct you to the Smart Routing Express details in Carrier Settings page and here you have the option to "Enable" to start shipping.

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View the Smart Routing Express quote in the order side panel - Similarly, if Smart Routing Express cost & transit time is cheaper or faster compared to your currently enabled options, Shippit will also show a recommendation in the carrier dropdown in the order side panel.

Clicking the Smart Routing option will direct you to the Smart Routing Express details in Carrier Settings page and here you have the option to "Enable" to start shipping.

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Compare rates based on orders in the last 30 days or more

View total savings in the last 30 days - To view overall savings against your existing carriers go to the Insights menu > Shipping Optimiser > 'Optimise Costs’ tab. You will be able to see overall savings in this page.

Click on ‘Update carriers’ to enable and start shipping with Smart Routing Express (along with other selected carriers with the ‘New’ label).

For an in-depth guide on Shipping Optimiser, click here.


View more metrics, specific lanes & weights against your existing carriers -

For more in-depth, specific comparisons across lanes, weights and different periods of time, go to the Insights menu > Shipping Optimiser > 'Optimise performance and costs’ & select the ‘Domestic Express’ service level.

You will be able to see potential volumes, transit times and other metrics in this page if you were to enable Smart Routing Express.

Click on ‘Update carriers’ to enable and start shipping with Smart Routing Express (along with other selected carriers with the ‘New’ label).

For an in-depth guide on Shipping Optimiser, click here.


How to start shipping & collections with Smart Routing Express

Turn on Smart Routing Express & book orders today for next day collections.

Turn on Smart Routing Express

Enable Smart Routing Express within the Carrier Settings page - You can also enable Smart Routing Express directly in the Carrier Settings page. Just go to Settings menu > Carrier to see all the carrier options in platform. In this page, under the “Express Delivery Services” category the “Smart Routing Express” option can be enabled.

Click on ‘Get Started’ or ‘Manage’ to learn more about & enable Smart Routing Express as an option. Click on "Enable" to enable Smart Routing.


Upgrade standard orders to Smart Routing Express if cheaper - Shippit is able to upgrade your orders from a standard service to express automatically if cheaper - when you enable Smart Routing Express and you do not have this option turned on, you will be prompted to turn this on after you click ‘Enable Smart Routing Express.’


New orders will be automatically allocated to Smart Routing Express if appropriate - As soon as you add new orders, you should be able to select Smart Routing Express as an option.

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Existing orders will need to be manually re-allocated to Smart Routing Express - Existing orders in New Orders page will NOT be automatically re-quoted and reallocated. Manually select Smart Routing Express in the carrier dropdown to allocate Smart Routing Express. Once selected, you will see the final quote & transit times for your order.


Confirm & book orders

Confirm & book orders via the UI as normal - There is virtually no change to your processes once Smart Routing Express is enabled.

Once your order has come through from your e-commerce platform or by manually adding them in the new orders page, hitting the ‘Confirm’ button will move these orders to the ‘Ready to Ship’ page for booking.

Filter and select all the Smart Routing Express orders and hit the ‘Book Now’ button to book the orders. If orders are booked prior to midnight they will be ready for next day collection.

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Confirm & book orders via the API as normal - Similarly, there is virtually no change to your processes once Smart Routing Express is enabled.

When you create an order via the Shippit Order API, Shippit should select a carrier based on your allocation settings and or Rules Engine setting you’ve set. Some of these orders will be automatically allocated Smart Routing Express and once you use the Book API to book these orders prior to midnight, they will be ready for next day collection.

Getting ready for collections after booking orders

Collection cut-off: Orders booked up until midnight will be collected the next business day. Please ensure freight is staged and presented accordingly to avoid futile fees.

Driver collection time: Collections are scheduled daily and drivers operate on run schedules each day. Collections will occur anywhere between 9am - 1pm daily. For locations with high daily volume of bookings ie. more than 20/day, please contact us via [email protected] to schedule pickups.

Pickup issues: We do not currently offer direct phone numbers for drivers. Please contact us via, please contact us via [email protected] for pickup issues.

How to track Smart Routing Express orders & performance

Track orders and performance quickly within the Shippit app.

Track order status

Go to the Track menu to see all the orders & their delivery status. You can modify the filter by Carrier on this page – selecting “Smart Routing Express” will filter all orders down to all Smart Routing Express orders. Learn more about the Track page here.


Get more specific order tracking details

Go to the "Track tab" and click on the order reference number to bring up the specific Shippit delivery tracking page for a breakdown of delivery status. In this view, you will see more details, times and information about the delivery.


Raise pickup or delivery issues

You can raise pickup & delivery issues through the “Get delivery help” button on the Shippit delivery tracking page. The Smart Routing team should respond in under 24 hours. Learn more about our customer support promise here.

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Track Smart Routing Express metrics

Go to Shippit Menu > Insights > Reporting to view Smart Routing Express volume, spending and performance alongside other carriers. Learn more about the Reporting page here.


Compare Smart Routing Express with other carriers

Go to Shippit Menu > Insights > Shipping Optimiser > ‘Optimise performance & costs.’ Select ‘Domestic Express’ on the service level filter to simulate Smart Routing Express against other carriers. Learn more about the Shipping Optimiser page here.

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