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Rule for Product Information
Updated over 12 months ago

If you'd like to ensure the most suitable courier is allocated to your fragile, bulky or even expensive orders, creating rules using product-based conditions is a great way to do this.

  • Product SKU

  • Product Line ID

  • Product Title


To demonstrate how to do this, in this example we'll set up a rule to ensure all our TVs are shipped with Allied Express. We have a SKU list for all the TVs we sell.

Step 1

In your Carrier Settings, ensure Allied Express is switched ON.

Step 2

When creating your rule, select Product SKU from the dropdown list of conditions and then select Any one of from the operator dropdown.

In the values field, Enter Value, type or copy/paste the list of SKUs.

Step 3

For the action, Do not allocate, select all couriers you do not want TVs to be allocated to (i.e. click on 'select all' on the right, then deselect Allied Express.)

Step 4

Click save, then scroll to the bottom of the page to find this rule and turn it on.

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