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Track page

Track, cancel, find carrier information, and re-order deliveries from the Track page

Updated over 7 months ago

The Track page is where you manage the orders after they have been booked for delivery, until they arrive with your customer. From here, you can see orders that are waiting to picked up, dropped off, or are in transit.

When you log in to your Shippit account, click Track in the top menu to go to the Track page. By default, this page shows all the orders in your account that have been booked with a carrier for delivery.

The Track screen, showing the Track & Manage Delivery Progress table

Use the Track page

The Track page is organised by time, so more recent orders are listed at the top of the page. Scroll down to see orders that were placed earlier.

For each order in the list, you can see the store the order was booked from, the date the order was placed, and the order reference. You can also see current status of the order, and the name of the recipient. Click the order reference number to track the package through the network. Click the recipient name to open a dialog box with the name, phone number, and address of the recipient.

For each order, you can see the carrier icon for the carrier that has been booked for the order, and the ID provided by the carrier for this delivery, along with an estimated time of arrival (ETA), if it has been provided.

The final column in the orders list is Controls. Which options are shown here depend on what stage of the process your order is in. Click Label to open a new tab with a PDF of the shipping label, or click Packing slip to download the packing slip for the order. You can click Mark as Completed to finalise the order when it has been picked up, or click Re-order to create a new order with the same information. If an order has not yet been picked up, you can click Cancel Delivery to cancel it, or click Get Help to open a conversation with Shippit Support.

Filter the order list

You can use the controls on this page to find orders that are waiting for delivery, and sort the list in a way that works best for your workflow.

Use the Store field to show orders that have come from a specific store or stores.

Use the Booked Date field to show orders that were booked during a specific date range.

Use the Status field to show orders that are currently in a specific status or statuses.

Use the Carrier field to show orders that are assigned to a specific carrier or carriers.

Click Reset Filter to reset your search terms and show all orders.

A section of the Track screen, showing the filter controls

You can sort the orders in the list by clicking the column headers. Reverse the sort order by clicking it again.

Optionally, if you have a handheld scanner, you can scan a barcode to filter the orders list.

Bulk actions

You can perform bulk actions, such as re-ordering or downloading labels for a number of orders at the same time, by selecting the checkbox to the left of the order. Select everything in a table by selecting the All checkbox at the top of the page. When you have multiple orders selected, use the Actions drop-down menu to select the bulk action you want to do. You can also click Export CSV to export a comma-seperated values file of the selected orders, which you can then use in your e-commerce, or warehouse management systems.

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