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Configuring a webhook

Information about configuring your webhook connection

Updated over 7 months ago

You can use a webhook to send order tracking updates to a configured URL. This allows you to track your orders through the shipping process in your own bespoke integrations. Use webhooks to provide your customers with a custom order tracking page, or to send data to internal systems for further analysis. When you have your webhook set up, you can configure it in your Shippit account.

There are two types of webhook available, one which maps status information from the carrier to the standard Shippit statuses, and one which returns the raw data without mapping. Both webhooks return data in in JSON format using snake_case:

  • Use the mapped data webhook for offering your customers a method to track most orders.

  • Use the raw data webhook for internal business alerts, or on demand orders. Currently, the raw data is only available from Uber.

Set up your webhook

When you have gotten started with the Shippit APIs, you can track your order status using a webhook.

For more information about getting started with the APIs, see the Get started with Shippit APIs article.

For more information about setting up the webhook in your custom applications, see the API documentation.

Configure a mapped data webhook

When you have your webhook set up, you can configure it in your Shippit account under company settings.

You can choose if you want to send all order data to your webhook URL, or to exclude delivery address data to minimise personal identifying information (PII) being shared. This might be useful for you if you already collect customer and address details for orders, but do not want those passed through to the webhook.

You can enable the webhook at the merchant level, but the additional settings apply at the company level. Any changes you make to the webhook settings at the company level override settings made at the merchant level. This means that if you change which information is being sent, or adjust the custom headers, the changes apply to all merchants associated with your company account. For more information about the different Shippit user roles, see the User Roles article.

⚠️ Important: You must be logged in to your Shippit account as a company to be able to configure webhook settings. If you are logged in as a merchant, you can enable the webhook, but can’t configure additional settings.

Configuring additional settings for your webhook

  1. Log in to your Shippit account as a company.

  2. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  3. Click Webhook to go to the webhook settings.

  4. In the Standardised recipient notification webhook section, complete these details:

    • In the Webhook URL field, set the URL that you want to send order tracking information to.

    • In the Data sent via webhook section, select All order data to send every update to the URL, or select Exclude delivery address data to exclude delivery address data from being sent.

  5. Optional: In the Custom headers section, add up to six custom headers. For more information, see the Add custom headers section in this article.

  6. Click Send test event to test your settings.

  7. Click Save to save your settings.

🚨Warning: If you choose to exclude address data from being sent to your webhook, this setting applies at the company level, and overrides any settings made at the merchant level.

A portion of the mapped data webhook settings, showing the General section

Configure a raw data webhook

When you have your webhook set up, you can configure it in your Shippit account under company settings. Currently, this raw data is only available from Uber.

You can enable the webhook at the merchant level, but the additional settings apply at the company level. Any changes you make to the webhook settings at the company level override settings made at the merchant level. This means that if you adjust the custom headers, the changes apply to all merchants associated with your company account. For more information about the different Shippit user roles, see the User Roles article.

⚠️ Important: You must be logged in to your Shippit account as a company to be able to configure webhook settings. If you are logged in as a merchant, you can enable the webhook, but can’t configure additional settings.

Configuring additional settings for your raw data webhook

  1. Log in to your Shippit account as a company.

  2. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  3. Click Webhook to go to the webhook settings.

  4. In the Carrier-specific raw data webhook section, complete these details:

    • In the Webhook URL field, set the URL that you want to send order tracking information to.

  5. Optional: In the Custom headers section, add up to six custom headers. For more information, see the Add custom headers section in this article.

  6. Click Send test event to test your settings.

  7. Click Save to save your settings.

A portion of the raw webhook settings, showing the General section

Webhook custom headers

You can specify up to six custom headers for additional parameters. These are defined as a key:value pair, and are useful for sending additional authentication parameters to your webhook. You can add custom headers to your webhook, regardless of which type of webhook you are using.

⚠️ Important: You must be logged in to your Shippit account as a company to be able to configure webhook custom headers.

Adding webhook custom headers

  1. Log in to your Shippit account as a company.

  2. Open the drop down menu in the top right of your screen, and click Settings.

  3. Click Webhook to go to the webhook settings.

  4. In the Custom headers section for the webhook you are configuring, type a key for your first header, and provide a value for the key.

  5. To add another custom header, click Add custom header and provide another key:value pair.

  6. Click Send test to test your settings.

  7. Click Save to save your settings. When your changes are saved, the value is masked.

A portion of the webhook settings, showing the Custom headers section
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