Fluent Commerce Integration
Updated over a week ago

Shippit can integrate into Fluent Commerce, you only need to plug in credentials to both Fluent and Shippit then you're good to go.

Need help with the integration? Connect with your account manager, sales contact, or our support team today.

You may also review this full detail guide divided into the following sections:

  1. Integration Process

    • Prerequisites

    • Connecting Shippit

    • Setting Up Fluent Commerce

    • Adding Additional Shippit Stores to Integration

  2. Configuration Options

    • Orders

    • Locations

    • Fluent

Integration Process


To get started using Shippit with Fluent Commerce, you’ll require the following:

  1. A Shippit Merchant account

  2. A Fluent Commerce account

    • Fluent Commerce API credentials

Connecting Shippit

Complete the following steps to connect a Shippit account with Fluent Commerce:

  1. Login to your Shippit

  2. Go to the navigation dropdown located at the top-right corner of the Shippit Interface, and select the Settings option within the dropdown

  3. Select the Integrations section from the left hand settings pane

  4. Select the Fluent Commerce logo from the list of available integrations

  5. Enter in your credentials as supplied by Fluent Commerce. Shippit will require the following details to complete a connection:

    • Account ID

    • Username

    • Password

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

You must use a username/password that is associated with a retailer account in the Fluent Commerce system. We suggest creating a dedicated user account for the Shippit Integration.


The Select an Integration view is only displayed when you have not yet previously connected your Shippit merchant account with an integration. Once you've plugged in your Fluent credentials into Shippit, your view will be the FluentCommerce Integration Settings with its 3 tabs.


Now, you may proceed to completing the Setting Up Fluent Commerce section of this setup guide.

Setting Up Fluent Commerce

Once you have plugged in your Fluent Commerce credentials into Shippit, you will be provided with a unique Wave Webhook Endpoint by Shippit. You will find this by going to Shippit > Settings > Integrations > FluentCommerce Integration Settings > Fluent:


You will need to copy this Webhook URL and set this up within your Fluent Orchestration Settings, so that the Fluent platform communicates with Shippit to notify it of the "CreateOrders", "GetLabels" and "BookOrders" events.

1. Login to the Fluent Commerce Console. The URL is typically comprised of the following structure:

  • Production Console URLFLUENT_ACCOUNT_ID.console.fluentretail.com

  • Sandbox Console URLFLUENT_ACCOUNT_ID.sandbox.console.fluentretail.com

2. In the Fluent Commerce console, go to the Orchestration area and select the Location tab. Edit the Location workflow(s) by clicking on the flow


3. From the Workflow Modification Window, locate the “Delivery” workflow step and the “Dispatch” ruleset. Expand the "Dispatch" ruleset to view all available triggers

4a. Within the expanded "Dispatch" ruleset, locate and modify the "CarrierOrderRequest" rule, updating the rule's URL configuration option to the "Wave Webhook Endpoint" value copied in step 2. Once entered, select the “Commit Changes” action button on the bottom of the overlay window.


4b. Within the expanded "Dispatch" ruleset, locate and modify the "CarrierLabelRequest" rule, updating the rule's URL configuration option to the "Wave Webhook Endpoint" value copied in step 2. Once entered, select the “Commit Changes” action button on the bottom of the overlay window.

4c. Within the expanded "Dispatch" ruleset, locate and modify the "CarrierBookingRequest" rule, updating the rule's URL configuration option to the "Wave Webhook Endpoint" value copied in step 2. Once entered, select the “Commit Changes” action button on the bottom of the overlay window.


5. If applicable, repeat steps 3, 4a, 4b, and 4c for each location flow configured within your Fluent Commerce account.

Adding Additional Shippit Accounts to Integration

When you first integrate your Shippit accounts with Fluent Commerce, your Fluent Commerce system is connected to a single Shippit store. Each Shippit store typically represents a dispatch location that you will be shipping from.

If you have more than one dispatch location, you may wish to add the Shippit stores for these locations in your integration and then route orders accordingly, based on your locations available in Fluent Commerce.

To add a new location, you'll need to have a seperate Shippit store that has not previously been linked with an integration.

While you can signup and create new Shippit stores yourself via www.shippit.com/signup, in most cases it would be best to reach out to your Shippit Account Manager to assist with the provisioning of your new account on the Shippit platform, upon which you can proceed with adding the new store/s in your integration.

1. In Shippit, go to Settings > Integrations > FluentCommerce Integration Settings > Locations

2. In the Locations tab, click the New Location Mapping button to add a new location mapping


3. Open the the "Shippit Store" dropdown and click on the "+ Connect Shippit Account" option.

A new window will open requesting whether you wish to connect an existing account, or setup a new account.

  • I Have An Account — If you have an existing account, you’ll be prompted to login with the credentials for the existing account to get it connected with your Fluent Commerce integration.

  • Create New Account — Select this option if you require a new Shippit Account to be created — you’ll be guided through the signup process and have your account connected with your Fluent Commerce integration upon signup.

If you login with a user connected to multiple Shippit accounts, a prompt will be displayed asking you to select the account you wish to have connected with Fluent Commerce.

Once logged in, your account will be connected to your Fluent Commerce integration and be an available option in the locations mapping configuration area.

Configuration Options

The following settings relate to the Fluent Commerce configuration settings available to Merchants within Shippit > Settings > Integrations > FluentCommerce Integration Settings.

Alternately, these settings can be accessed through our middleware platform - Shippit Connect.


  • Wave Endpoint - Enables merchants to enable or disable the Wave endpoint within Shippit. This setting should generally be kept enabled, but can be disabled if the merchant wishes to stop Wave activity within Fluent commerce triggering activity within Shippit.

  • Shipping Method Mapping - Enables merchants to map a Fluent Shipping Method to a Shippit Service Type. The available Fluent Shipping Methods are controlled by a configuration value within the Fluent Commerce platform.


  • Fluent Location Mapping - All “Fluent Locations” mapped to the first “Shippit Store” connected

Enables merchants to control how orders assigned to particular “Fluent Locations” will route to their linked “Shippit Store”.

Example: Merchant with Sydney and Melbourne Distribution Centers

A merchant has distribution centers located in Melbourne and Sydney. They wish to configure the Fluent Integration to recognise these locations and route orders accordingly to the appropriate Shippit Store.

Using the “Fluent Location Mapping” feature — the merchant will create two location mappings, with each location mapped to the appropriate “Shippit Store”.

The Fluent Location “Melbourne”, will be associated with the Shippit Store “Melbourne”

The Fluent Location Sydney”, will be associated with the Shippit Store “Sydney”

Based on this setting, the integration will now ensure that all orders associated with Melbourne are routed to the Melbourne Shippit Store, and orders associated with Sydney routed to the Sydney Shippit Store.


  • Environment - Allows the connection to occur with the Fluent Production or Staging environments. Fluent Commerce provides merchant’s with either Sydney or Dublin locations for their accounts. Merchant’s must select the appropriate environment and location for their account.

  • Retailer ID (Read Only) - Displayed on a Fluent Commerce account is connected. This area displays the Fluent “Retailer ID” value associated with the API connection.

  • Fluent Account ID - The Mechant’s Fluent Account ID value, as provided to them by Fluent Commerce. The Fluent Account ID value is used by the Fluent platform for API communication, including both within an API’s payload of data, and as part of the API endpoint URL determined by Shippit Connect.

  • Username - The authentication username that will be utilised for Fluent Commerce API actions

  • Password - The authentication password that will be utilised for Fluent Commerce API actions

  • Client ID - The oAuth Client ID for the merchant’s Fluent account, as provided to them by Fluent Commerce

  • Client Secret - The oAuth Client Secret for the merchant’s Fluent account, as provided to them by Fluent Commerce

  • Wave Webhook Endpoint (Read-only) - Displayed on a Fluent Commerce account is connected. This area displays the “Wave Webhook Endpoint” that should be setup by the Merchant in Fluent Commerce’s settings area for the Shippit Integration. The “Wave Webhook Endpoint” is the URL used by Fluent Commerce to communicate Wave Activity with Shippit.

A document on data mapping from FluentCommerce to Shippit Connect to Shippit may be provided upon request.

Need assistance in implementing your integration? Connect with your account manager, sales contact, or visit our website to avail professional services today!

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