If you just logged in to Shippit and saw you have a different New Orders page, congratulations! You've been moved on to the new and improved Shippit experience. This article explains the differences you might notice in the updated page. For detailed instructions on how to use the updated New Orders page, see the New Orders page article.
By updating the New Orders page it's now easier for you to review your orders, packaging type, and carrier details, so that you can confirm and fulfil orders faster. The page has been entirely redesigned, and orders now appear differently in the table, with a lot more relevant information.
You now have the option to set the status of an order to On hold, helping you to manage orders efficiently and prioritise orders based on fulfilment status.
Summary of changes
This section summarises the changes in the updated New Orders screen. For detailed instructions on how to use the updated New Orders page, see the New Orders page article.
Wider table layout
The new table layout has wider columns to improve readability. Your order references and tracking IDs are much less likely to overflow the column now.
Product column
Get a better idea of what each order contains with a new column for extra order details. This helps with what you need to pack and the items for each order.
Easier editing
You can quickly see more information about orders and make quick edits. Click the product, recipient, or package details for an order to open a popover dialog, making it easier to make quick changes on the fly.
More information for each entry
Order information that used to be in columns is now in a second row of information so you can see relevant and important order details at a glance.
Column sorting
You can now sort the Order and Carrier columns in ascending or descending order to give you more control over how you view and manage orders.
Show and hide columns
You can now customise which columns are visible based on which order details are the most useful to you. Click the Settings gear icon on the top right of the New Orders page to customise your table view.
Set order status to on hold
You can now set the status of an order to On hold so you can manage orders efficiently and prioritise orders based on fulfilment status. For more information about using this, see the Manage orders on hold article.
Create and book priority orders
Create and book priority orders, or schedule an on demand or priority order for the next day, or later in the week.
Search by store
You don’t need to scroll to find orders from a particular store any more, now you can select the store from the drop down at the top of the column to see all the orders for that store.
Open and confirm orders on scan
If you use a handheld scanner, scan to open the order in the New Orders page. No more searching for the order manually.
For detailed instructions on how to use the updated New Orders page, see the New Orders page article.