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About Transit Protection

Find out what Transit Protection is, how it works, and how you can use it to protect your goods as they are shipped to customers

Updated over 2 months ago

If you're worried about lost or damaged parcels, you can use Shippit’s Transit Protection for easy and affordable protection against loss or damage.

Cover provided by carriers for damaged or lost goods can be fragmented, expensive, and time-consuming, with large excesses, long claim periods and limited coverage only for the cost price of goods. To make protecting your parcels easier and more affordable, Transit Protection protects your shipments against being lost or damaged in transit and can be activated for all deliveries made on Shippit, or on a per-carrier basis.

This article contains information about the benefits of Transit Protection. For more information about pricing and maximum coverage, see the Transit Protection pricing article.

Benefits of Shippit's Transit Protection

Transit Protection covers you for the full retail price, not the wholesale or cost price. This means your goods are protected against loss or damage up to a maximum value. With no fees to file a claim, a streamlined claims process, and the ability to turn the service on yourself from your Shippit account, Transit Protection can save you time and money.

Low-cost pricing means you have no excess fees, and competitive low-cost premiums charged per delivery. For more information on pricing for your region, see the Transit Protection pricing article.

Shippit Transit Protection has high coverage amounts. Coverage is for the full retail value of the goods, including the cost of shipping. For more information on maximum coverage for your region, see the Transit Protection pricing article.

Transit Protection is streamlined and user-friendly. Get a consolidated view of your cover, and activate, view, and edit your coverage within your Shippit account. Shippit provides you a streamlined, itemised invoice making it easy to identify which orders are covered. Access to billing information anytime from within Shippit.


Transit protection covers:

  • Goods that comply with our packaging guidelines and that are deemed lost or damaged during transit by the carrier.

  • Goods with order values declared at the time of booking on Shippit, except for Excluded Goods listed in the Transit Protection terms and conditions.

  • A package's journey to your customer and its journey back to you in the case of a Shippit Return.

  • The retail value of goods including shipping costs, up to the maximum coverage amount.

For more information about Transit Protection pricing and maximum cover amounts for your region, see the Transit Protection pricing article.

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