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Magento2 Integration
Updated over 7 months ago

You can integrate Shippit to your Magento2 store by adding an extension.

Need assistance in implementing your integration? Connect with your account manager, sales contact, or visit our website to avail professional services today!

You may also review this full detail guide divided into the following sections:

Integration Process

Whitelisting Shippit

If you need to add Shippit to your security whitelist before you can connect, click here.

Install Through Magento Marketplace


The first option in installing the Shippit extension is by downloading it through the Magento Marketplace.

  1. Login to your Shippit store

  2. Go to Settings > Integrations and select Magento2

  3. Click on Download Module

  4. On the new page, select Your Store Version and click Add to Cart

  5. Complete the checkout process and open your order

  6. On the new page, click Install

  7. On the new tab, click Create a New Access Key

  8. Assign a name for your access key then click OK

  9. Follow the instruction document to complete the installation process

Install Through GitHub


You may also install the extension by downloading it through GitHub. If you have already completed the installation process outlined above, you may skip this portion and proceed to Enter API Key.

This method of installation should be completed by a developer or someone comfortable with working with the Magento Application Structure. PLease test in a staging/test environment before applying in your live/production environment.

  1. Go to the Shippit extension for Magento2 in GitHub

  2. Click on Clone or Download and select Download ZIP

  3. In the magento installation, create a folder path of app/code/Shippit/Shipping

  4. Move the contents of the extension to app/code/Shippit/Shipping

  5. On the server and in the Magento installation directory, run the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  6. If required, run the production di compilation and static asset compilation

Enter the API Key


To complete the installation, you need to enter the API Key from Shippit into Magento2.

  1. In Magento2, click on Stores on the left navigation pane

  2. Select Configuration and on the new page, click Sales > Shippit

  3. Copy the API Key from your Shippit store

  4. Back in Magento2, paste it on the the the API Key field

The example captured above is set at the Shippit staging environment. If you are setting up your live/production environment, make sure that the Environment dropdown is set to Live.


If you do not see your API Key populated in Shippit, click on the downward arrow at the upper right portion of the screen, click on Billing Details, and enter your Credit Card information.

CHECK your integration by ensuring you now have a Webhook URL. If you do not see the Webhook URL field populated, email us right away at [email protected]


Configuration Options

Live Quotes


Live Quotes allow you to provide customers with real-time shipping quotes at the cart page and during check out. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > Shippit - Live Quotes to access your configuration options.

  • Enabled - if enabled, your customers will see the cost of each shipping option per service class upon checkout

  • Title - identify how this shipping method will be shown

  • Allowed Methods - identify the service classes (Standard, Express, or Priority) that you want to allow

  • Margin Enabled - allows you to apply a maximum amount or percentage to the shipping rates that customers see by subsidising what is in excess

    • Margin Amount - if you enabled the previous setting, indicate the maximum amount or percentage here

  • Maximum Time Slots - identify a limit to the number of timeslots displayed for the Priority service class

    • Filter by Enabled Products - allows you to filter orders by product for items that are available for shipping via Shippit

    • Filter by Product Attribute - allows you to filter orders by product attribute for items that are available for shipping via Shippit

  • Ship to Applicable Countries - select whether or not restrictions are placed on the countries your customers can ship to

    • Ship to Specific Countries - if you chooseSpecific Countries in the previous option, you need to identify those countries here

  • Sort Order - choose how you would like the Live Quotes to appear in the order with all other shipping methods

Checkout Options


In your Magento2 admin page, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shippit > Checkout Options to configure the checkout options related to shipping.

  • Display Authority to Leave - allows you to provide your customers an option to grant the courier an Authority to Leave for the order; this information will be sent to Shippit and the involved courier

  • Display Delivery Instructions - allows you provide a field where customers can enter delivery instructions; this information will be sent to Shippit and the involved courier

  • Hide Checkout Options for Shipping Methods - allows you to select shipping methods that should not have the two options listed above.

Order Sync


This set of options can be found in your Magento2 admin page. Just go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shippit > Order Sync.

  • Enabled - allows you to enable or disable your Magento2 orders from being automatically pulled across into Shippit

  • Mode - if the first option is set to Yes, this option allows to choose the frequency of the order synchronisation

    • Realtime- new orders that are marked as paid will sync immediately

    • Scheduled - new orders using the Magento Scheduler (cron) will sync every 5 minutes

    • Custom - this option is equivalent to Scheduled but is used for custom integrations; it simply prevents orders from automatically being synced

  • Send All Orders To Shippit - if this option is set to No, only orders that use (1) the shipping methods under Shippit Real-time Rates and (2) shipping methods that are mapped (see section below) will be pulled across into Shippit.

Shipping Method Mapping


You can map the shipping methods you set-up in Magento2 to a specific service class (Standard, Express or Priority) in Shippit.


For example: if you have a shipping method called Free Shipping you can map it to the Standard service class in shipping so that you can manage costs.

To a create a shipping method map:

  1. Click on Add Mapping

  2. Select the shipping method in Magento2 from the first drop down

  3. Then select the Shippit service class you would like to map it to on the corresponding dropdown

  4. Click on Save Config to update your settings

Remember that you can only map to service classes where you have active couriers. This means that if you are mapping to the Express service class, you must have an Express courier activated in Shippit.

If you map to the Priority service class, Shippit will book the order for the next available time slot so make sure that you keep an eye on priority orders that come in.

Shippit Order Sync


Orders that are in the Processing status and have shippable stock are sent to the Shippit Order Sync queue in Magento2 before they are actually sent to Shippit. You can access this in the Magento2 admin page by hovering over to the left navigation pane and then click Sales > Shippit Order Sync.

  • Filter the list through the open fields under the column label then, click on Search

  • Force sync an order by expanding the Action dropdown then, choose Sync Now

Items Sync


Configure how additional order details are synchronised from Magento2 to Shippit. Just go to your Magento2 admin page and click Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shippit > Items Sync.

  • Send Product Dimensions - If this is enabled, the length, width, and height of the order will also be sent to Shippit apart from the weight that is sent by default.

If the product dimensions in Magento2 are the box/package dimensions already and you will no longer package it differently for shipping, you may turn off all of the the preset and custom package types in Shippit and enable Send Product Dimensions.

This will stop Shippit from allocating the order to a package type. All your orders will be assigned to Parcel with weight and package dimension sourced from Magento2.

  • Product Dimensions Unit - specify the unit of measurement used for the product dimensions

    • Product Length Attribute Code - identify the product attribute to be used for length data

    • Product Width Attribute Code - identify the product attribute to be used for width data

    • Product Depth Attribute Code - identify the product attribute to be used for depth data

  • Send Product Location - allows you to also sync the product stock location in Magento2 to Shippit; this information appears in the pick slip downloadable from the Shippit New Orders tab

    • Product Location Attribute Code - identify the product attribute to be used for location information on the pick slip in Shippit

Shipping Sync


Shipping Sync allows you to configure how you would like to synchronise your orders' shipment status from Shippit to Magento2. With this setting enabled, Shippit will update all tracking information on the order in your shopping cart.


Shippit Shipment Sync


When orders are booked in Shippit, it will create a shipment record in the Shippit Shipment Sync queue in Magento2 before the status is actually updated. You can access this in the Magento2 admin page by hovering over to the left navigation pane and then click Sales > Shippit Shipment Sync.

  • Filter the list through the open fields under the column label then, click on Search

  • Force sync an order by expanding the Action dropdown then, choose Sync Now

TEST your configuration by creating a dummy order in Magento2 based on the different order sync criteria you have identified here. If you encounter any challenges, email us right away at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I connect multiple Shippit accounts with Magento2?

You can take advantage of Magento2’s Store View configuration to route the order to the correct Shippit store though the stores' API key.

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Store View and select a store you want to configure

  2. Click on Sales > Shippit > General Settings

  3. Uncheck the API Key Use Default checkbox

  4. Enter API Key of the Shippit store you want to match to the Magento2 store

  • Why isn’t my order appearing in Shippit?

Try to do the following:

  1. Check your API Key and the specified Environment if they are configured correctly

  2. Check the status of the order. If the status is in processing, then it should be appearing in Shippit

  3. Check to see if your Magento2 cron jobs are enabled

  • Why didn’t my order sync to Shippit?

Try to do the following:

  1. Check is the recipient and delivery details are complete and correct

  2. Confirm you have the necessary carriers activated in Shippit

  • Can I get a live quote for an international order within the Shopping Cart?


  • If I delete or modify an order in Shippit, will it delete/update in Magento2?


  • How can I resend an order to Shippit?

You can do this in the Magento2 admin page through one of three ways:

  1. Click on Sales > Orders > Click an order > Click Send to Shippit

  2. Click on Sales > Orders > Tick the orders you want to resend > On the Actions dropdown, select Sync with Shippit

  3. Click on Sales > Shippit Order Sync > On the Actions dropdown > Select Sync Now

Take note that the last option will override the previously assigned tracking number.

  • Why am I not receiving tracking updates for the orders I have booked through Shippit?

Try to do the following:

  1. Check your Shippit Shipping Sync in Magento2 to see if it is enabled

  2. Check if the Webhook URL field in Shippit > Settings > Integration is populated. If it is empty, re-register your Webhook URL by disabling Shipping Sync in Magento2 and then re-enabling it

  • How do I install the matrix rate app?

In order to set up the matrix rate app, first install these two modules:

  1. Shippit module for Magento2

  2. Extra add-on module for Shippit Matrixates app compatibility

Once these two modules have been correctly installed, please navigate to System > Configuration > Sales > Shippit > Shipping Method Mapping.

If you have uploaded your matrix rates correctly, they should appear in the dropdown list as "Matrix Rates - Magento2-WebShopAppsMatrixRates”.

If you update your Matrix Rates methods, you will need to re-map them to a Shippit service class as the previous methods become obsolete.

Magento Integration Tips

You can customise how you send orders to Shippit! By default, all orders and shippable products sync with Shippit as soon as the order moves to the “processed” state; however, you can override this functionality and create a custom integration in order to dictate what should be sent to Shippit and when. There are two ways you can do this:

  • Event Listener (recommended) - enables you to trigger orders to be sent to Shippit based on business requirements, all while simplifying the details you need to send to Shippit/the Shippit module. It would allow you to determine when, and under what conditions, an order should be sent to Shippit, including whether all or only some items are to be sent to Shippit.

This can be activated by setting the order sync mode to “Custom” and then developing the logic/conditions on your end to hook into the “Shippit Add Order” event when those conditions are met. A good example is choosing not to sync pre-orders with Shippit, or, at the very least, filter out products in a sales order that contain a pre-order identifier.

An order will flow in and go through the regular order processing cycle with the exception that when the “shippit_add_order” event is called, they can either specify to have the entire order or part of the sales order synced with Shippit.

  • Modal API - Once the logic to filter out pre-order products in an order has been implemented, you can then send that order and the product details directly to the Shippit module calling the modal API (outlined in the documentation). Once those order details have been passed through, the order should sync with Shippit and appear in the New Orders page.

Both methods will still add the order to the Shippit Order Sync queue before being processed via the order sync cron job.

  • You can apply a negative margin amount to the cost of freight, if you have enabled this in your Shippit - Live Quotes settings.

  • Customise your Magento2 order fulfilment notification email by hyperlinking the tracking number to easily follow your order via the Shippit tracking page (note: minor development is required).

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