Shippit Insights advanced reporting is a series of data rich dashboards that can help you understand how your shipping and delivery services are performing. Use them to determine whether you have chosen the right carrier mix, whether or not you're living up to the promises you make your customers, and work out who is buying from you and where.
Insights are available for all Shippit subscriptions, but depending on your plan, you might be able to access more features and do more with the data. Contact [email protected] to discuss your options, and get set up.
For more information about Shippit Insights, see the About Shippit Insights article.
Carrier cost dashboard
The carrier cost dashboard includes these reports:
This article discusses each of the reports in the carrier cost dashboard.
💡NOTE: If you want to get access to more dashboards, with more reports, we can help you with that! Contact Shippit support to get set up.
Carrier cost summary
You can use the carrier cost summary report to track how much you are spending on carriers. The graphs in this report shows how much carriers are quoting you over time, broken down by carrier and service level. You can use this data to determine whether your costs are rising or falling, and which service level is providing the most value.
This report includes five graphs showing the total quoted shipping cost over time, by carrier and service level.
Drill down in the carrier cost summary report to see more details. You can also right-click on graph elements and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost over time
This graph shows the average quoted shipping cost for all orders over time. Use this graph to determine how much you are spending on carriers over the selected time period.
Click one of the points to drill down into further information for the chosen period. For example, to see more information about the orders that were quoted on January 28th, click the Jan 28 point on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders quoted on that date. You can now determine which carriers and service levels were booked on that date, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by service level
This graph shows the total dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each service level. Use this graph to determine which service level is costing you the most.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen service level. For example, to see more information about standard order cost, click the Standard bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders quoted with a standard service level. You can now determine which carriers were booked for that service level, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by service level
This graph shows the average dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each service level. Use this graph to determine which service level is costing you the most on average.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen service level. For example, to see more information about priority order cost, click the Priority bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders quoted with a priority service level. You can now determine which carriers were booked for that service level, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by carrier service
This graph shows the total dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each carrier service. Use this graph to determine which carrier service is costing you the most.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen service level. For example, to see more information about StarTrack Premium, click the StarTrack Premium - Express bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders quoted with that carrier service. You can now determine how much you spent on this carrier service, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by carrier service
This graph shows the average dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each carrier service. Use this graph to determine which carrier service is costing you the most on average.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen carrier service. For example, to see more information about Door Dash on demand, click the Door Dash Ondemand bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders quoted with that carrier service. You can now determine how much you spent on this carrier service, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Shipping lane
You can use the shipping lane report to track how much you are spending on each lane. The tables in this report shows how much carriers are quoting you, by pickup location and shipping lane. You can use this data to determine which lanes are more costly to service.
This report includes two tables showing the total and average quoted shipping cost by pickup and delivery locations.
Drill down in the shipping lane report to see more details. You can also right-click on graph elements and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by pickup and delivery state
This table shows the total quoted shipping cost, broken down into by the state the order was picked up from. Use this table to determine which lanes are more costly.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular lane in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by pickup and delivery state
This table shows the average quoted shipping cost, broken down by the state the order was picked up from. Use this table to determine which lanes are more costly.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular lane in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Dispatch store
You can use the dispatch store report to track how much you are spending on shipping from each store location. The tables in this report shows how much carriers are quoting you, by store and carrier service. You can use this data to determine which stores are spending more on shipping.
This report includes four tables showing the total and average quoted shipping cost by store and carrier service.
Drill down in the dispatch store report to see more details. You can also right-click on graph elements and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by store
This table shows the total quoted shipping cost, broken down by the store that booked the order. Use this table to determine which stores are spending the most on shipping.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular store in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by store
This table shows the average quoted shipping cost, broken down by the store that booked the order. Use this table to determine which stores are spending the most on shipping on average.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular store in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by store and carrier service
This table shows the total quoted shipping cost, broken down by the store that booked the order and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which stores are spending the most on shipping, and with which carrier service.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular store in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by store and carrier service
This table shows the average quoted shipping cost, broken down by the store that booked the order and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which stores are spending the most on shipping, and with which carrier service, on average.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular store in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Delivery destination
You can use the delivery destination report to track how much you are spending on shipping for each lane and carrier service. The graphs and tables in this report shows how much carriers are quoting you, by delivery state and carrier service. You can use this data to determine which shipping lanes are costing more.
This report includes two graphs and two tables showing the total and average quoted shipping cost by delivery state and carrier service.
Drill down in the delivery destination report to see more details. You can also right-click on graph elements and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by delivery state
This graph shows the total dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each delivery state. Use this graph to determine which state is costing you the most to deliver to.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen delivery state. For example, to see more information about deliveries to Queensland, click the Qld bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders shipped to Queensland. You can now determine how much you spent on this lane, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by delivery state
This graph shows the average dollar value of quoted shipping cost for each delivery state. Use this graph to determine which state is costing you the most to deliver to on average.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen delivery state. For example, to see more information about deliveries to Queensland, click the Qld bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders shipped to Queensland. You can now determine how much you spent on this lane on average, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by carrier service and delivery state
This table shows the total quoted shipping cost, broken down by the state the delivery was shipped to, and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which lanes and carrier services are costing the most on shipping.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular carrier service in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by carrier service and delivery state
This table shows the average quoted shipping cost, broken down by the state the delivery was shipped to, and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which lanes and carrier services are costing the most on shipping on average.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular carrier service in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Chargeable weight
You can use the chargeable weight report to track how much you are spending on shipping for each chargeable weight tier. The graphs and tables in this report shows how much carriers are quoting you, by chargeable weight tier. You can use this data to determine if heavier or lighter shipments are costing you more.
This report includes two graphs and two tables showing the total and average quoted shipping cost by chargeable weight tier and carrier service.
Drill down in the chargeable weight report to see more details. You can also right-click on graph elements and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by chargeable weight tier
This graph shows the total dollar value of quoted shipping costs for each chargeable weight tier. Use this graph to determine which tier is costing you the most to deliver.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen weight tier. For example, to see more information about deliveries weighing between 5kg and 10kg, click the 5-10kg bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders shipped that had a chargeable weight of between 5kg and 10kg. You can now determine how much you spent on this weight tier, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by chargeable weight tier
This graph shows the average dollar value of quoted shipping costs for each chargeable weight tier. Use this graph to determine which tier is costing you the most to deliver on average.
Click one of the bars to drill down into further information for the chosen weight tier. For example, to see more information about deliveries weighing over 100kg, click the >100kg bar on the graph to update all the graphs in this section to show only orders shipped that had a chargeable weight of over 100kg. You can now determine how much you spent on this weight tier on average, and use this information to adjust your carrier mix. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Total quoted shipping cost by chargeable weight tier and carrier service
This table shows the total quoted shipping cost, broken down by the chargeable weight tier of the delivery, and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which weight tiers and carrier services are costing the most on shipping.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular carrier service in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
Average quoted shipping cost by chargeable weight tier and carrier service
This table shows the average quoted shipping cost, broken down by the chargeable weight tier of the delivery, and the carrier service quoted. Use this table to determine which weight tiers and carrier services are costing the most on shipping on average.
Click one of the rows to highlight a particular carrier service in the table. You can also right-click on a graph element and select Show all to see and download the individual orders that match your search criteria.
💡NOTE: If you want to get access to more dashboards, we can help you with that! Contact us to get set up.